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Concept art for environments, props, and structures, for a variety of projects!

Project Title: Jungle Vibes

Concept sketches for building interior/ exteriors, foliage, and other environmental props.

Project Title: Aqua Marino

Interior shop design

Exterior shop design

Concept sketches for underwater structures, props, and background characters.

Prop Design: Hot gluegun inspired gun

Silhouette tests

Final prop design

Finished prop with color

Project Title: Liberdade

Concepts for building designs and arrangement.

Prop design of a small shed intended for solitary confinement.

Style and texture development.

Project Title: Sydney's Shack

Concept and thumbnails of an evil scientist's machine aboard a ship.

Concept and thumbnails of the overgrown and run down exterior of the main character, Sydney's, house.

An isometric look into Sydney's kitchen, turned home base.

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